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san marcos, texas
950 sq ft (addition) 400 sq ft (renovation)
3 bed/2 bath (addition) & .5 bath (renovation)
completed: 2011

Faced with a growing family, the owners of this existing (2) bedroom, (2) bath house were interested in expanding their home by adding (3) bedrooms and converting the existing master suite into a home office and mud-room. 


Within the addition, the internal spatial experience is enhanced by visually connecting to the site through framed views and the implementation of natural lighting strategies. The compactness of the rooms is counteracted with large expanses of glass, translucent walls, and carefully placed windows that provide visual links back to the site.


The stairwell doubles as a light well capturing morning light from the East, and diffuses afternoon light from the West through translucent-glazed walls.  Supplemented by clerestory lighting in the Library, the transitional spaces of the addition disperse light throughout the addition and deep into the existing structure.


Craig Kuhner Architectural Photography



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Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC)

Creative Scholarship

Interiors as Design


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